Pranesh portrait

Greetings, I'm Pranesh Selvaraj
A Student, and someone with a knack for coding and a love for problem-solving currently based in Siegen, Germany.

About me

After conquering my bachelor's in Electronics and Communication Engineering in India, I decided to turn up the coding heat in Germany. Currently, I'm delving into the intricacies of Human-Computer Interaction at the University of Siegen. Coding isn't merely a profession—it's a passion I've nurtured over the years. I take joy in the art and science of programming, from crafting elegant algorithms to solving intricate problems. Whether it's constructing robust web applications and software solutions, exploring the realm of artificial intelligence, automating scripts, or creating immersive experiences in virtual reality, I'm always eager for a coding challenge.

But let's not stop there—beyond the academic and professional realms, I'm an enthusiastic explorer of financial markets. Trading and investments pose as a very clever puzzle to me, where I strategically analyze trends and make calculated moves.

Now, when I step away from the screen, you'll find me getting lost in the pages of a thought-provoking book.

And let's not forget the physical aspect—I'm not just a coder; I'm a force on the volleyball court. So, whether I'm crafting code, analyzing markets, exploring virtual realms, or spiking volleyballs, every aspect of my life is a dynamic blend of passion, skill, discipline and a relentless pursuit of excellence and knowledge.

My Experience

WHB - Full Stack Developer

University of Siegen, Germany

As a student assistant full-stack developer, I contribute to the development and maintenance of university websites using the MEVN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, Vue.js, Node.js). I manage containerized applications with Docker to ensure consistent development environments and implement CI/CD pipelines through GitLab to streamline deployment and automation processes.

April 2024 - present

My projects

Immersive KitchenVR Slicing Simulator

This cutting-edge Unity VR project, known as the Simulator, offers users a lifelike culinary journey within a vibrant kitchen environment. Showcasing realistic physics and dynamic interactions, it demonstrates technical proficiency with Unity and XR Interaction Toolkit. Feel free to explore the GitHub repository of this project to delve deeper into its development process and codebase

  • Unity
  • C#
  • MetaQuest
  • Cross-Platform Development
  • Visual Studio
  • XR Interaction Toolkit


This project aims to integrate an existing smart coaster prototype with a Point of Sale (POS) system and payment options. This coaster will enhance customer experiences in hospitality settings by allowing seamless ordering and payment forfood and beverages. Do check out the GitHub repository for this project

  • Python
  • Linux
  • Django
  • Visual Studio
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • API

God's Eye

The project’s goal was to develop an autonomous aircraft for disaster identification and alerting. Ourteam innovatively designed a unique flight system inspired by the dragonfly’s anatomy. We named our project ”GOD’s EYE” and presented it at the SIH 2020 Internal Hackathon. This effort led us to become finalists in the Smart India Hackathon (SIH) 2020, hosted by the Government of India.

  • Solidworks
  • Linux
  • ROS Melodic Morenia
  • Python
  • Aerial Robotics
  • Drone Piloting
  • Hardware

Mini Projects & Research Studies

TimeZone Clock

This project is a part of User Experience Design studies and the proposal is about an innovative idea for synchronized Timezone Clock designed forlong-distance couples, capable of accurately depicting the prevailing light intensity and sky color at each partner’s respective location. This innovative device will provide a visualrepresentation of the distant environment, fostering a sense of connection by reflecting real-time conditions on each end.

  • Figma
  • Photoshop
  • MS Office

NAO with Toddlers

This study is a part of Robotics in real-world application in the field of social work studies. This study is conducted utilizing the NAO robot to investigate toddler emotions and interactions. We programmed NAO with engaging activities and games to elicitresponses. Explored varying emotional expressions of children aged 10 to 36 months during interactions with NAO.

  • NAO Robot
  • Python
  • Choregraphe 2.8.6
  • Miro
  • the NAOqi 2.8 reference documentation
  • MS Office

Bank Identity Fraud Detection Security Design Solution: Proposal and a Case Study

This study is a part of Usable Security studies. This study examines shared victim experiences of online identity fraud in banking and social media through interviews with 5 participants and crime analysis. Identified patterns suggest a need for data-backed warnings to enhance security and reduce risks.

  • MS Office
  • Miro
  • Webex
  • Figma

Immersion and Possession of Superpowers in VR Games Decreases the Fear of Heights

This study is a part of Beyond Real VR – Virtual Augmentations and Their Effects studies. The study involved two participants and examined the integration of Virtual Reality (VR) technology fortreating acrophobia. VR’s immersive quality was utilized to create emotional engagement in height-related scenarios, predicting a positive correlation between immersion and fearreduction.

  • MS Office
  • LaTeX
  • HTC Vive Virtual Reality System

My skills

Contact me

Please contact me directly at or through this form.